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EcoKids Sponsors

Calling on businesses and individuals in our community to Sponsor EcoKids and create a greener future for our children. Join the event as a sponsor to get rewards and perks (described below).

Sponsorship Levels & Benefits

Receive recognition as a sponsor before, during, and after EcoKids. Browse sponsorship benefits below – you will be able to select the sponsorship level you want when you apply. Reach out with any questions to [email protected]


Estuary Sponsor

Exhibit space for tent and/or table
Website listing on Sponsors pages
Ability to promote sponsorship in own marketing materials


Sound Sponsor

Sponsorship recognition in marketing materials, press releases, and announcements
Exhibit space for tent and/or table
Website listing on Sponsors pages
Ability to promote sponsorship in own marketing materials


Bay Sponsor

Premium placement of logo on event banner
Website listing on Sponsors pages (including logo and hyperlink)
Exhibit space for multiple tents/tables with premium placement
Sponsorship recognition in marketing materials, press releases, and announcements
Ability to promote sponsorship in own marketing materials


Gulf Sponsor

Website listing for a full year on Home and Sponsors pages (including logo and hyperlink)
Logo included on marketing materials for event
Premium placement of logo on event banner
Exhibit space for tents and/or tables with premium placement
Sponsorship recognition & logo in marketing materials, press releases, and announcements
Ability to promote sponsorship in own marketing materials


In-Kind Sponsorship

You can also sponsor our event by donating a service or making another non-financial contribution.

EcoKids 2024 Sponsors

Sponsorship contributions help us create new experiences for everyone at the event.

Escambia County Utilities Authority

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